Cognac Tiffon - Lot 19:22 - Fins Bois - ca. 100 Jahre alt

2-3 Tage
Auf Lager
1.150,00 €
Inkl. 19% MwSt. , exkl. Versandkosten
enthält 0.7 Liter, entspricht 1.642,86 € pro 1 Liter

bottled 2022
Fins Bois
Berry Bros. & Rudd
Brut de Fut
limited edition of 50 bottles
exclusively bottled for Kirsch Import
mundgeblasene Flasche mit Wachskapsel
in Holzkiste
43% vol. - 0,7 l


Tiffon 'Lot 19:22 Fins Bois' (43%, Berry Bros & Rudd for Kirsch Import) Five stars

I don't think I've ever come across any such very old 'Bois', except in old bottles of blended cognac (I would suppose). Remember the ranking, Fins Bois, Bons Bois, Bois Ordinaires. But that's all only theory, as we could find out, for example, at Grosperrin's. Fins Bois is by far the largest of the Crus. Colour: dark gold. Nose: less aromatic than the Petite Champagne, rather more on putty and fresh paint, almond skins, Wulong tea (blue-green tea), fresh bark, pine needles, apple peel… Green and yellow plums too, but no mirabelles. A little plain grass – imagine, 100 years old grass! And grassier oils, not quite olive oil, rather grape-pip oil… I have to add that I'm fond of this kind of more austere profile. Mouth: same feelings, this is relatively grassy, rather on green fruits, greengages, gooseberries, also star fruit perhaps… The Wulong tea is there too, as well as some melon skin, fresh French beans… And green melons. What's really spectacular, this time again, is that there's no proper 'oaky oak' standing in the way. Finish: probably not the longest ever, but this freshness is impressive. Even the aftertaste remains a wee bit grassy. Comments: far from being just 'a lowlander', I'm finding this tighter, more austere style of cognac, extremely pretty too. I just cannot believe that we're comparing pure 'Crus' that were distilled one hundred years ago. I'm not sure the bottlers and distillers know about the grape varietals, though, that would be interesting. Perhaps was there still some pre-phylloxera folle blanche?
SGP:461 - 91 points.



Weitere Informationen
Lieferzeit2-3 Tage
ProduzentenCognac Tiffon
Alkoholgehalt43% vol.
Lebensmittelhersteller/ImporteurCognac Tiffon, 16200 Jarnac, France
Alterüber 50 Jahre
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Sie bewerten:Cognac Tiffon - Lot 19:22 - Fins Bois - ca. 100 Jahre alt